Open book with maple leaf in middle

Canadians have much to be proud of. Canada is known for hockey, maple syrup, beautiful scenery, a diverse culture among other things. There is another thing we should be proud of and that is the quantity and quality of Canadian authors. Some were born in Canada whereas others are new Canadians whose writing often reflects their heritage. The list includes poets, children’s authors, literary historians all of whom have a lot to offer readers.

Margaret Atwood writes in a variety of styles all of which are literal, vivid and often witty. She writes from a feminine perspective, her book “The Handmaid’s Tale” was recently made into a movie and has been very popular.

Robert Munsch is a much-loved children’s author. Munsch is an avid storyteller whose style is exuberant and exaggerated which is probably why children enjoy him so much.

L.M. Montgomery is famed for the character Anne of Green Gables. The popularity of this young girl is worldwide and Montgomery’s books have been made into movies and television series.

Joseph Boyden is a First Nations writer whose vivid writing is very compelling. “Three Day Road” is a story about the journey of two young Cree men who volunteer for the First World War and end up becoming snipers.

Emma Donoghue penned the popular book “Room”. This is the story of a young girl held captive for seven years by Old Nick by whom she becomes pregnant. The story is told through the voice of her son Jack. It is poignant, moving and shocking.

Mordecai Richler is a renowned Canadian author who accurately describes the Canadian perspective, His writing is somewhat satirical and his tone is often cutting. He was not afraid to voice his opinions, which were often unpopular.

The Temiskaming Shores Public has in its collection books by all these diverse authors plus many by equally talented writers.