Public Notices

 ICI Water Meter Program - December 12, 2024

The City of Temiskaming Shores is scheduled to begin its water metering program as of January 1st, 2025. All properties under the water metering program will be subject to water consumption-based utility billing under By-law No. 2024-058 on a quarterly basis.

Thank you for your cooperation.
By-Law No. 2024-058

Canada Post Strike
Due to the ongoing Canada Post strike, scheduled delivery of individual letters to each property owner under this program may be delayed.

Should property owners under this program have any questions regarding technical matters, please contact:
Jeremie Latour
Engineering Technologist
Phone: (705) 672-3363 ext. 4114

Should you have any questions regarding the water metering program, please contact:
Steve Burnett
Manager of Environmental Services
Phone: (705) 672-3363 ext. 4132

Related Documents


The Corporation of the City of Temiskaming Shores is committed to providing consumers with safe drinking water. The City commits to complying with all applicable legislation and regulations.

To further enable this commitment, the City has developed, implemented, and will maintain a Quality Management System in conformance with Ontario’s Drinking Water Quality Management Standard.

The City will regularly review its Quality Management System through monitoring and measurement activities, and commits to continually improving the system as it evolves alongside the community it serves.

The City will strive to keep consumers aware and informed of significant decisions and occurrences through transparent and accountable operation of its drinking water system.

Annual Summary Reports 

Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) Annual Reports


Water / Wastewater Financial Plan

Multi-Facility Operational Plan for the Haileybury and New Liskeard Drinking Water Systems - 2024

Wastewater Collection and Treatment


The City of Temiskaming Shores provides a complex collection and wastewater treatment system for its residents. There are two (2) wastewater aerated lagoons and one (1) mechanical sewage treatment plant. The three treatment facilities are operated and maintained through a contract with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA). OCWA is also responsible for the various sanitary lift stations located throughout the municipality. The Public Works Operations Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of over 87 km's of collection piping with approximately 4,800 service connections.

The Operations Division provides regular and preventative maintenance programs including sewer flushing, manhole purging, adjustments and repairs, catch basin adjustments and cleaning and underground locates. 

View or print a copy of the below notification. 

September 26, 2019 - Public Notification of Bypass, Overflow & Spills Events

Sewer Service Connection

If you require a sewer service connection a Municipal Services Permit application must be completed and submitted to the office. Permit applications are available online. It may be advantageous to discuss service connections with Public Works Engineering Staff located at City Hall (325 Farr Drive) by calling 672-3363.

Sewer Flushing Program

Sanitary Sewer Flushing is conducted yearly as part of the Preventative Maintenance Program. These operations are normally commenced in the spring of each year to remove debris, sand and gravel from the collection system. During this time customers may experience blowback from the main. When blowback occurs, it is usually due to poor venting in the residence. If you experience blowback, please contact the Public Works Operations Division at 647-6220.

Sewer Laterals 

A sanitary sewer lateral is a section of the sewer that connects your building to the Municipality's main sewer. This permits the discharge of all the domestic waste from toilets and sinks.

Trouble Shooting for Blockage and Collapse

The first indication of a blockage or collapse is that sewage is being forced up through a basement floor drain. Locate your internal cleanout, a capped access to the sanitary sewer lateral is normally located in the basement in proximity to where the service lateral enters the building, and determine by removing the cap is sewage is also being forced up at this location. If there is no sewage at the capped access, then the problem is located within the internal plumbing. If there is sewage, then the problem is located outside the foundation wall.

Sewer Blockage 

The City of Temiskaming Shores policy regarding sewer lateral problems is that the property owner is responsible for their lateral from the building to the Municipality's main sewer with limited exceptions such as whether it can be shown that there are tree roots from a Municipal tree.

The property owner is responsible for retaining a plumber or contractor to determine the extent of the problem. The Public Works Operations Division must be notified (647-6220) such that staff can confirm that the collection main is operating properly. Environmentally sensitive materials should not be poured down the drain, on the ground or into the sewers. The City will not reimburse property owners for charges by plumbers or contractors hired by the property owner if the City has not been advised in advance and had sufficient time to assess the nature of the problem.

Property owners or tenants sometimes experience sewer odours within their building. This is most often caused by a floor-drain trap that has gone dry, thereby allowing sewer gases to enter the building. Residents are encouraged to pour a pail of water into their floor drains several times per year in order to ensure the U-shaped trap is full of water and able to perform its function of blocking sewer gas from entering the building.

Please note that should the sewer be blocked due to improper use (such as rags, diapers etc.) then it will be the owner's responsibility to pay for the cost to clean and repair the lateral. We wish to make it clear that just because a blockage is created on Municipal property, it does not necessarily follow that the Municipality will pay the cost to resolve the problem.

There are several possible causes for a sewage blockage/backup including, but not limited to the following:

  • Blockage within the service lateral due to age, deterioration, roots, settlement or objections too large inserted into the drain;
  • Blockage in the collection main or manhole that requires cleaning by City forces;
  • Surcharging in the collection main due to abnormally high flows and/or heavy rainfall;

The property owner is responsible for the removal or rod-ding of blockages within the entire length of the sewer service lateral. This rodding service is available from a local qualified plumbing contractor. A proper clean out must be available to insert the cleaning rods.

If the City representative determines that the backup is caused by a problem with the service lateral pipe between the property line and the sewer main, the rodding fee may be reimbursed. It is sometimes necessary for the property owner to carry out a closed circuit camera inspection of the service line to determine the nature of the problem, particularly if there is a prior history of sewer backups.

If the problem is found to be a pipe defect on the private side of the property line, the owner is responsible for car­rying out the repair. If the problem is on the City side due to roots, collapse or frozen, the Environmental Department will carry out the repairs at City cost.

Water Treatment and Distribution


The City of Temiskaming Shores currently owns three distinct Water Treatment and Distribution systems. The three systems serve the three former municipalities that amalgamated on January 1, 2004, being Dymond Township, the Town of New Liskeard and the Town of Haileybury.

The Water Treatment facilities are operated, maintained, and managed under agreement with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA), Storage reservoirs, even though considered as part of the distribution system, are also maintained under the agreement with OCWA. The Public Works Operations Division is responsible to manage and maintain approximately 110 km's of distribution piping.

New Liskeard Water Treatment

The New Liskeard Water Treatment Plant is located at 305 McCamus Avenue and attains its raw water from two (2) drilled wells (raw water). Chlorine is added to the raw water which aids in the oxidation process and aids in precipitating any iron in the water prior to filtration. This chlorine addition (pre-filtration) also serves for disinfection purposes. Following the iron oxidation from the compressed air and the chlorine, water is then directed through one of two sand filters.

Following filtration, the treated water receives post chlorination and is directed into a clear well. The clear well discharges into a valve chamber which directs treated water to the Storage Facility located at 177104 Shepherdson Road. The New Liskeard system currently services about 4,800 residents.

The New Liskeard Plant and Storage Facility, also directs water to the Dymond Storage Facility located at 284 Raymond Street. The Dymond system services about 500 residents.

New Liskeard Water Distribution

The New Liskeard Distribution system receives its water from the Storage Facility on Shepherdson Road and is comprised of three (3) service zones. The three zones are supplied with potable water in the following manner:

Zone I - Gravity Zone is supplied with water through a distribution line from the Shepherdson Road reservoir. Zone I is a gravity fed system that services the bulk of the former Town of New Liskeard including the downtown and those areas north of the Wabi River.

Zone II - Intermediate Pressure Zone is a pressurized zone (continuous pumping) and is much smaller in area than Zone I. Zone II services most of the residential area west of the ONR tracks and east of Highway 11.

Zone III - High Pressure Zone is also a pressurized zone a pressure slightly higher than Zone II and currently supplies water to those facilities on Shepherdson Road including English Catholic Central School, Timiskaming Hospital and a limited number of commercial users.

On January 27th, 2016, the Dymond distribution system joined the New Liskeard distribution system.

The Dymond distribution system serves two distinct areas of the former Township of Dymond. The urban residential area locally known as "Breault's Subdivision" and the Highway Service and Commercial strip in proximity to Hwy 11 and 65E. There is only one pressure zone for the Dymond Distribution system.

Haileybury Water Treatment

The Haileybury Water Treatment Plant located at 1 Browning St. receives its water source directly from Lake Temiskaming. Raw water from Lake Temiskaming enters an intake structure and is pumping to the Treatment Plant for processing.

Chlorine, alum, caustic soda or soda ash and a polymer are injected into the raw water line. Following rapid mixing, the water flows into flocculation tanks and then into a settling tank for clarification (permits particles to settle out). The treated water flows from the settling tank through three dual media filters consisting of anthracite and silica sand. Treated water is directed to a clear well where it is then pumped to the Water Reservoir located on Niven St. S. The Haileybury systems services about 4,200 residents.

The Haileybury Water Treatment Plant is also utilized as the Ontario Clean Water Agency Hub Office for this district.

Haileybury Water Distribution

 The distribution system is fed in two (2) manners from the reservoir; a gravity system and a high pressure system. The gravity system feeds the lower elevated areas of Haileybury; while the high pressure feeds the area North of Main Street west of the ONR tracks and the community of North Cobalt (amalgamated with Haileybury in 1971). The system contains a third pressure zone known as the controlled pressure zone which is fed off of the high pressure system through three pressure reducing valves. The functionality of the valves is to reduce and regulate/control the pressure between two areas within the distribution system.

Water Distribution System Maintenance

Please be notified that the Environmental Crews of the Public Works Department are required to carry out maintenance programs, flushing and testing of fire hydrants throughout the municipal water distribution systems. The work is required twice annually and is scheduled for both spring and fall. The work may cause some discoloration in the water; however the effect should be minimal. If a colored water problem is encountered in your water service line, flushing the service by letting the water run for a period of time should cure the problem. If the colored water persists, please contact the Public Works Department for assistance.

Thank you for your co-operation as Environmental Crews of the Public Works Department carryout this important maintenance activity.

Water Breaks

What causes water main or service breaks?

Water main breaks can happen at any time of the year for various reasons.

Ground temperature and water temperature are major factors with water main breaks. The sudden and severe temperature changes can cause water main breaks as the ground contracts and expands and puts pressure on the water pipes. Prolonged periods of below zero temperatures can cause the soil to freeze quite deeply into the ground.  During winter, frost depths can reach up to 3 meters or 10 feet deep.  This freezing can cause expansion and contraction that creates force on the water main. During summer, hot dry or very wet conditions can cause the ground to expand and swell also putting pressure on underground pipes.

Change in pressure can cause water main breaks. This usually occurs at weak points in the water pipe. Demand on the whole system can also cause changes in pressure, such as high water usage on a hot summer day, which can contribute to a break.

As water pipes reach the end of their life cycle, and with the natural wear and tear, the likelihood of a break or leak increases.

The material that water pipes are made of can corrode or crumble the outside of the pipe in certain soil conditions. Soil conditions can vary within a stretch of water pipe, creating leaks or breaks at any point.

How is a water main or service fixed?

When a trouble call is received, an operator is dispatched to determine the location, impact and severity of the break.  First, nearby water valves are closed to control the water main flow.  Depending on the type of break, this will either reduce the flow to the affected water main or shut it off completely.

Once the general repair location has been identified, the construction crews begin water main repairs by excavating the ground and completely shut down the water main once the pipe is exposed. (The time of this shut down may very on the type of break)

Prior to any excavation, crews must identify the location of all utilities to ensure the repair can be done without damaging other utilities or endangering the City crews, or the public.

After the repair is completed, the pipes are then flushed.  Finally, the water quality is tested to ensure it is safe for consumption before water service is fully restored. Whenever there is a loss of pressure in the water main a boil water advisory is issued to the affected location until the water has been tested to approval given by the Health Unit to discontinue the boil water advisory.

Next the roadway, lane, sidewalk or lawn will be repaired to match the existing surfaces and landscapes.  Depending on the season, weather and availability of materials and equipment, these repairs may take some time to complete.

The following table identifies the amount of water breaks and repairs that occurred within the City of Temiskaming Shores since 2004.

General Information 

Suspected Frozen Water Line

Procedure for dealing with a frozen municipal service line or private water service line

When an occupant or owner of a dwelling or building which is connected to the public water distribution system reports that he/she believes the water service is frozen, the following procedure shall apply:

  1. The Public Works Department shall investigate the dwelling or building and ensure that the service line is frozen outside. If the service line is frozen within the inside of the building or dwelling the owner or occupant shall be notified that it is not a municipal responsibility.
  2. If the Public Works Department determines that the water service line is frozen outside the dwelling or building they shall get the owner or occupant to complete consent form and ensure payment of a $50.00 deposit.
  3. If the frozen service line is determined to be on the private side of the service then all municipal costs incurred will be the responsibility of the owner or occupant.
  4. If the frozen service line is determined to be on the municipal side of the service, then the municipality will be responsible for all expenses to correct the problem. The deposit previously received shall be returned.
  5. If all attempts to thaw the service line are unsuccessful and the problem is on the private side of the water service line, the work site shall be restored and municipal involvement is completed.

Note: If a call is received during a weekend, the Public Works Department may install a temporary water supply, where possible, and complete all other work during normal work day.

Any resident who would normally be subject to freezing and wishes to avoid freezing water lines should at this point open the bleeder valve located on the incoming water service line if so installed. If no such bleeder valve exists then a sufficient flow of water should be left open in a preferred location.

Water Shut Off / Turn On Requests 

Contact the Public Works Department at 647-6220 for assistance.

Water Sampling 

The Water Sampling program includes all mandatory sampling as required under the Drinking Water Regulations Act. Water testing and monitoring for some parameters is completed on a continuous basis at the water treatment plants with on-line sampling instruments.  All other testing and monitoring is completed by operations and/or OCWA staff on a daily or weekly basis.

Microbiological sampling is completed weekly with random samples being collected throughout the distribution system and samples collected from the water treatment plant.  Chlorine levels are monitored continuously at the water treatment plants and storage reservoirs with weekly sampling completed throughout the distribution system.

Hydrant Flushing 

Hydrant Flushing is conducted semi-annually as part of the Water Maintenance Program. These operations are carried out typically in April and October of each year. During this time customers may experience discolored water. If you do, it would be advisable to refrain from doing laundry or using hot water until the water clears. The Public Works Operations Staff makes every effort to maintain the designated schedule. Your co-operation is appreciated.

2024 Dates

Starting Monday, May 27, 2024

Starting Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Hot Water Tanks 

Discoloration of water (rusty or red) from the hot water tap may indicate a problem with the water tank itself. Residents should contact the rental agency or contact a qualified service person to check your hot water tank.

Curb Stops 

Curb stops are the water disconnect valves found at or near the municipal (street) property line. Curb stop repair or lowering is conducted by the Public Works Operations Division. If you require this service, please contact the Operations Office at 647-6220.

Water Conservation Tips

  • Use low flow showerheads or flow restrictors in regular showerheads, which can reduce water flow;
  • Shorten your showering time;
  • Use low flow aerators on all inside faucets which can reduce water flow;
  • When replacing fixtures, look for water conservation models;
  • Fix leaking faucets;
  • Check toilets for leaks by using food colouring in the toilet tank - after several minutes, if colour appears in the bowl without flushing check leaks as this usually means the flapper is leaking. Flappers can be purchased at local retail stores;
  • Did you know that a tap leaking one drop per second wastes more than 25 liters of water per day? The problem is often a worn washer which can cost as little as 10 cents to replace.