OLYMPIA Name Contest


November 25 to December 19

The City of Temiskaming’s first Olympia Millenium-E Electric Ice Resurfacer needs a name.

Enter into the contest to name our Olympia.

The new name will be displayed on the Olympia and the winner will receive a prize.

How to Enter

  1. You must be under the age of 18 years and a resident of Temiskaming Shores.
  2. Between November 25 and December 12 send your name, phone number, address and your new name for the Olympia to sgoodyear@temiskamingshores.ca 
  3. Between December 13 and December 18 the entries for the Olympia new names will be published for public
  4. On December 19 the Olympia’s new name and winner will be announced.